inspired sisters womens ministry
Reflections - Welcome

Welcome, Inspired Sister!

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” – Hebrews 10:24

Since surrendering my life to Jesus, He’s blessed me with numerous opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and be purposeful in Him and for Him.  So in what’s been done for me, I am inspired to do the same for other women and with other women.

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Inspired Sisters is a ministry of women who strive to be what we are called to be in Jesus, while spurring our sisters on to do the same.  We believe that as we are saved in Christ, we are also called to be more than what we can be alone.  A cord of three is hard to break – we want to be a community of women who pour inward and outward to empower their sisters…a community of women who inspire each other.

During various times throughout the year, we’ve run events and activities listed below. If you are interested in any of these, please reach out to us, and we’ll let you know if it’s currently happening, in the works, or upcoming in the calendar ahead.

~ BE HEALED ~ “Surrendering the Secret” post-abortion healing and restoration bible study

Many women hide the facts of their abortions and suffer the consequences of their guilt and shame in isolation. Without question, it can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a woman’s life.  Research indicates that more than 40% of child-bearing age women carry this incredible burden while wearing a smile.  Is that you? Have you been carrying that burden too? Even after being forgiven by Jesus, it was a struggle to forgive myself. Yet, He graciously led me to the place of healing I needed. Come to that place and share your burden with someone who has journeyed through the same and found healing on the other side. 

SURRENDERING THE SECRET is an 8-week bible study to heal hurting women and the heartbreak of abortion through honest and interactive bible study, meaningful group experiences, and unique journaling exercises in a confidential, caring community.  If you would like more information, you may contact Marie Perry at 610-587-2136 or Katie Bailey at 484-794-3533, in confidence.  

~ BE EMPOWERED ~ through learning and studying God’s Word

Growth in faith comes from many different environments. While spending time alone with God in His Word is important, within a group or relationally is just as important and vital. Group Bible studies provide the opportunities to celebrate life’s victories with others, get needed prayer support, offer encouragement in tough times, and help keep ourselves accountable in our personal growth. They also aid in defining a structured time to focus on topics that address our needs or interests.

~ BE AWAKENED ~ inspirational gatherings, conferences, and retreats for women

What better way to grow in our faith than with leading from women gifted with speaking and worship to teach and inspire us in the Word of God and our purpose in Him!?  Over the years, we’ve been blessed as women are stirred and inspired through simulcasted and hosted events such as…

Pink Impact Simulcasts (women’s conference with gifted speakers and moving     worship), and RePink (a one-day repeat of the “best of” Pink Impact)

CryOut, a gathering of thousands of prayerful women calling out to God in prayer, together, to move in our neighborhoods and nation

• Weekend Women’s Retreat at a local campground, Camp Swatara (we promise you’ll be blessed through the bonding and the laughter!).

• A Worship Night featuring live performance videos, as we learned about the importance of worship while studying and focusing on relevant scriptures.

~ BE ACTIVE ~ lifegroups that get together on a regular basis for fellowship and activity


The Bible says that our bodies are the “temple of the Holy Spirit“.  Along that line, we believe keeping our bodies moving is part of God’s plan for us.  It’s tough to implement that at times, but we found that there’s just something about walking and talking that helps us process life, process what God has been speaking to us, or working out solutions to life’s dilemmas…and even more so when that walk is shared by sisters in Christ. There’s so much encouragement, accountability, revelation and enjoyment in making active times also be social times, so it’s our hope that  we can Be Active, having a meaningful time of spiritual growth as we give our bodies a dose of activity.

We mostly meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 9:00am. There’s never a need to RSVP – just put on some active gear and head over.  Each session begins and ends with a group prayer.  The courses are structured so that everyone can go at a pace that is comfortable – 30 minutes out and 30 minutes back. God will always provide a friend for whatever speed you need – walking, running, biking, etc., so join us no matter what ability level you are at.  Babies in strollers are fine company, but we prefer to limit the group to adult women only (out of high school) to foster an atmosphere that is confidential, where women can feel comfortable sharing struggles and getting advice from the others within the group. And conversations should be Godly, honoring, and full of encouragement and wisdom, without gossip.

If there is further interest, we may add new activities such as kayaking and paddleboarding, or a hike up to a local lookout point.  You may contact Marie Perry a 610-587-2136 and for any questions via email or text.

~ BE SOCIAL ~ workshops and get-togethers that encourage sharing and learning

Ever wanted to try glass fusing or sewing a canvas tote?  Perhaps you’ve always wanted to prepare and jar fresh salsa, or perhaps making bread from scratch is more your style. We’ve done these things and more, and we’re always looking for more shared talent and skills.  There’s so many things we can learn or teach together –  either for ourselves and as outreach – and we are all blessed by it in many different ways. What are you good at?  We’d love to learn about it.

And when we’re not offering a workshop of sorts, we make the most of the time together with an opportunity to get to know each other better by joining up to participate in common interests or trying something new – things like bowling and learning how to properly handle firearms.  And we even have a game night to welcome significant others and kids too!

~BE LOVE ~ need-based service groups

Serving through missions is a life-changing endeavor. However, the opportunity to serve outside of our communities (and our homes) from afar doesn’t always present itself for everyone – jobs, kids, appointments… it may be something on your heart but maybe just doesn’t seem possible at this stage in your family life.  But the ability to serve, as Jesus instructs, doesn’t only need to happen in another state or a half a world away. Think of your neighbor… does she need help with her kids or a prepared meal? How about an elderly friend… could she use some groceries, a warm fleece blanket, or a ride to the doctor? Or a widow… maybe she could use a hand with her yard work. Maybe you can make something for someone you don’t even know, like wheelchair bags for the disabled.  Realize that there is indeed a mission field right in front of you!

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Would you like to be involved or have some feedback for us?   How about an idea or a new group that you would like to offer participation in or organization for?  Reach out and inspire us at