Inspired Sisters Women's Ministry | Hamburg, PA

This is an event that we love planning for, and even more so executing it, but all the planning and setting up means nothing if you aren’t there…so thank you for coming – it may have been a challenge to get there, but we want you to know how much we appreciated your presence. And for those of you who weren’t able to make it, we missed you, and look forward to having you there in 2023! ♥

We received good and positive feedback on the bible study, Find Your People by Jennie Allen, learning that we are all at different positions in our journey through life. Some of us may be too busy with work to look for some “people”, and others may be at a place in their lives where things have slowed down enough to begin to enjoy the benefits of having poured into friendships. Jennie encouraged us that everything comes in seasons, and we should do what we can when we can. Simple things, like if inviting someone to the grocery store with you is all you can do right now, that’s ok, and it’s enough.

For everyone who was there on Sunday for the Communion, we hope that you were as blessed to have taken part in it as we were to facilitate it. Though we had the elements available in case the Spirit so moved us, we were so thankful that He did! It was a beautiful moment, as were were all together as sisters in Christ.

Registration for the Weekend Women’s Retreat will open at the end of September 2023, and the retreat will take place on the same time as in the past – the first weekend of November. It seems like God always blesses us with the perfect weather for that weekend, don’t you agree?

The best way to Find Your People? Stop by one of our women’s events – chances are, a good number of the ladies you spent the weekend with will be there too.

♥ See you next year!

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