Inspired Sisters Women's Ministry Decorated Christmas Cookies and Cookie Swap Journey Cafe Hamburg PA Zion's Church

Our best attended cookie event ever so far – 42 beautiful faces (that’s eighty-two hands!) showed up ready to decorate some cut-outs. Thanks to everyone who attended. We hope you enjoyed your freshly decorated cookies, and that you received lots of “ooh’s and aaahh’s” when you showed off your finished cookie-decorating skills. And if you missed out, no worries, we’ll be planning this activity for December of 2023.

Here’s some highlights of the evening…

Light refreshments were served, and there were snacks too.

The last time we did a cookie decorating night, our guests were invited to choose a seat at a table to decorate their cookies, and they could decorate however they wanted to. This year we changed it up a bit. We setup 8 round tables for about 5-6 guests per table. Four red tablecloths signified the instructional tables, and four green tablecloths were for freestyle decorating. When arriving, each guest was given a tray of pre-baked cookies for decorating. Instructional tables had an instructor and a step-by-step printed display page to help guide guests in creating a specific designed cookie. Freestyle tables also had printed displays of sample cookie designs, but guests at these tables were free to design their cookies either using the sample ideas or however they wanted. This was a great way to give enough instruction to learn certain techniques, while also allowing the freedom of creativity to flow. Throughout the evening guests were encouraged to move to another table after completing the specific cookie (or cookies) for that table.

Then there was the Cookie Swap… We had so many delicious cookies baked for this – thanks to everyone! If you later realized that you didn’t take any of the recipes, let us know at We can gladly get you a copy of a recipe, or even a copy of any of the printed instructions for the decorated cookies – we’ll gladly share those with you too!

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