be Christ-filled and God-purposed, together!
LC Medical, formerly Life’s Choices, is a local non-profit organization that provides evidence-based information, cost-free services, and practical support to women and families experiencing and unexpected or unsupported pregnancy. For more than 5 years, we’ve participated in their fantastic fundraiser, 5K Spring Chicken. It’s a great way to help LC Medical all the while challenging yourself physically to walk or run with friends!
The route follows the Schuylkill River along Hamburg Trail, starting and finishing at Hamburg Park. As in previous years, there will be music and food before, during, and after, along with prizes for top runners and a “Chick Chase” for the kids.
We’ve had lots of team participation in the past with a few placing in their age groups often.
Some of us run, and some of us walk, but we all have a great time. We would love for you to join us this year, doing whatever suits you, either running or walking the entire 5K or just some of it. And if you’re thinking, “hey, maybe I could run this thing!”, there’s more than enough time for you to start a 5K plan today. It’s easier than you think, and if you’d like to have support or a buddy let us know – the more, the merrier!
Check out the video below from last year…
So “Save the Date” for Saturday, April 26th, and check back for more details to follow.
Hope to see you there!